Thursday, January 14, 2010

School lunches

Eliminating packaging from your kids' lunches is easy.  Go to Target, Kmart, Walmart, etc. and invest in some Pyrex storage containers.  I like the 1 and 2 cup sizes, which are holding most of my daughter's lunch in the above picture.  In case you're wondering, from right to left she's packing steamed broccoli (with a dash of salt), organically-grown red peppers (be sure to stay away from conventionally-grown bell peppers), and carrot salad.  Carrot salad is the only way she likes to eat carrots, and I make it by combining grated carrots, shredded coconut, raisins, and a drizzle of honey).

I also pack her either a sandwich or a bean and cheese quesadilla (remember my addiction to Mexican food?  She inherited it).  For this, I bought these nifty reusable bags called SnackTAXIs from Park + Vine, a great store that sells eco-friendly merchandise in Cincinnati.  

For her drink, I pack her water or milk in a reusable SIGG bottle.  All this stuff packs up in an insulated lunch bag I got for free at the All About Kids parenting conference.  It's pink, and not cute, so I won't bore you with a picture.  Any reusable lunch case will do.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this blog. I have been inspired and am cooking my first batch of non canned beans tonight! Will there be anymore postings, I only see Jan. Dates?
